'Happy Chanouka', acryl on canvas 120x 100 cm
E 1200 Thripple peace to you!
Three times shaloom in the bush represents the plural of the name of Elohim
'Churchil' oilpaint on canvas 20 x 30 cm sold
Peace to Israel acryl on canvas 100 x 120 cm € 1200
After a wine trip in France with a friend, he challenged me to start painting. Since then, from 1979, I try to make art with biblical symbolism.
I believe Hebrew is the DNA of the creation and the Creator of this universe spoke Hebrew when He walked on this earth 2000 years ago. He will come back soon to restore and complete His universal artwork...
'Aleph/Taf in Mondriaan'' acryl on canvas 30x 40 cm € 450
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